Case Studies

The 'throw away' society of today poses huge challenges to all business’s to recycle waste in the best, most economically viable way.

Office Green are specialists in the niche markets of used cartridge and redundant mobile phone recovery, and as such can create a revenue stream from these products over and above traditional waste collectors to whom it is a cost.

We can therefore help many industry sectors reduce or turnaround their disposal costs whilst making them greener at the same time.

Third party services

We offer third party services whereby you use our experience and expertise to collect cartridges and mobiles on your behalf, enabling you to offer an 'all encompassing' free recycling service to your own clients or multiple sites without cost, infrastructure or hassle.

Whilst our service can be applied to every organisation in the country, we have tried to highlight a small but broad selection of industry sectors that we can add value to.

Sector spotlight

For more information on specific industry sectors please click on the following links

Office Green – the power behind recycling

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